MDNT BMR Run into Trouble

(Pictured as a First Freshening 2 year old)
Sire: *B Blissberry MIR Boomerang
SS: *B Blissberry Make it Rain
SD: SGCH Blissberry Bing Bang Boom 5*M EX92
Dam: Blissberry Rhythm of the Night 9*M
DS: +*B GCH Blissberry Mic Drop
DD: SG Blissberry Livin' on a Prayer 8*M (Full sis' 2022 ADGA JR Nat'l Champion)
DOB: April 26, 2022
G6S Normal
Show Record:
2022 - 3x 1st place JR kid
2022 - Member 2nd place Produce of Dam - EISF
2023 - 1x JR Grand Champion - NDGA
2024 - 1x Grand Champion - Greeley, CO
2024 - 2x Reserve Grand Champion (to herdmate) - Park County Rendezvous
2024 - Member 1st Place Dam and Daughter - Utah Sate Fair
Trouble is a young doe we are extremely excited to watch mature. She freshened with an incredible high and wide udder, just like her dams with improved teat size and placement. We love what we see from her sire, being larger bodied and more level from thurl to thurl than her dam. As a 2 year old, she is one of our biggest young does!
As a kid Trouble didn't attend many shows, but the ones she did she was quite competitive at! She was 3x 1st place JR kid in her limited showing only trading places to 2nd with her littermate sister. Being a JR kid, she didn't have the size or growth necessary to be competitive against the older does but that quickly changed as a dry yearling. Trouble made the trip with us to the Syringa show in Idaho and was able to compete against some of the best out there, including Greenehaven and Ivyridge. Even so we were thrilled to walk her into 1st and 2nd place in her rings and see her considered for Grand. While she didn't snag her leg there we were very pleased to see her earn her dry leg a few weeks later at a show in Nevada!
Trouble kidded in the fall with a lovely single doe kid, one that we will most certainly be retaining! Reno had given us mostly bucks in 2023 so when we saw Trouble just had one we were beyond thrilled it was a baby girl! She hit the show ring running, going 1x Grand Champion Senior doe at her first show out as a milker in a large competitive show. Even after a bout of mastitis and being slightly uneven, she needs just one more leg to become a finished champion!
Linear Appraisal: