Redwood Hills Vision Tiffany

(Pictured as a Int. kid - Photo credit to Redwood Hills)
Sire: +*B Blissberry AC Vision
SS: +*B Wingwood Farm CM Atticus
SD: SGCH Blissberry RH Vallelujah 7*M EX93
Dam: SGCH Redwood Hills Atlas Topaz 9*M EX91
DS: SG+*B Wingwood Farm TL Atlas
DD: SGCH Redwood Hills MC Talasi 8*M EX91
DOB: March 3, 2022
G6S Normal
Show Record:
When we went out to Redwood Hills in early April, we had only planned to bring Sachi home.... Unless Scott showed us someone equally as pretty! When we got there, he pulled Tiffany out and I knew immediately I wanted to bring her home. She is incredibly deep bodied for a two year old, being long bodied smoothly blended with an up-hill silhouette. Her mammary system reminds us a lot of the Reno udders, with both his sire and Tiffany's sire being out of +*B Wingwood Farm CM Atticus. It is high and wide, sporting a strong medial attachment and smooth blend into her barrel. Her striking black coloring with tan trim is the cherry on top!
We are very excited to have a new dam line in the herd and look forward to incorporating her genetics.
Tiffany had a bit of a rough transition from California to Utah and as such we dried her off to give her the best opportunity to get used to her new home. We look forward to seeing her fresh next year and hope she gives us a pretty doe kid!
Linear Appraisal: