SG Lakeshore Promises are Forever 1*M

SG Lakeshore Promises Are Forever 1*M *ELITE*
Sire: SGCH +*B J&R Spirit's Dakota Playboy EX90 *Elite*
SS: ++B M's Sagebrush Acres Dakota
SD: GCH J&R Spirit's DK Kovergirl 2*M 92EEEE
Dam: Lakeshore P.S. Pinky Promise
DS: Lakeshore DL Perfect Storm 90 VEE
DD: Alize Kharm Promises, Promises
DOB: April 1, 2012
Promise is a doe we gladly brought into the herd with her daughter, Engylskye Belle Star, when Veronica of Engylskye nubians offered them to us in 2021. Promise and belle are easily two of the largest does we have in the herd, and both excels in dairy strength, general appearance and feet and legs. Promise is still incredibly strong on her feet and pasterns even now at 11 years old! One notable paternal sister to Promise, SGCH Kastdemur's Viva Las Vegas 4*M EX92 *ELITE* was the 2012 ADGA NAtional show 4th place JR kid and then the 2014 ADGA National show 6th place 2 year old! We are incredibly grateful to have Vegas's son, *B Blissberry AC Reno working in our herd!
Her daughter, Belle Star is a AI daughter of SGCH ++*B Kastdemur's Most Wanted EX91 *ELITE*, and easily went two time Grand Champion and two time Best in Show as a yearling! Unfortunately due to an injury she has not since seen the show ring, but is every bit as beautiful as she was then. Both Promise and her daughter Belle now reside with our herd to live out their days in retirement. We are so happy to be able to provide them a good place to spend their next couple years!