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+*B Blissberry AC Reno 


SGCH Kastdemur's Viva Las Vegas 4*M EX92

Sire: *B Wingwood Farm CM Atticus 
     SS:  *B My-Enchanted-Acres LM Candyman EX90
     SD:  SG Wingwood Farm Lovin Abraxis 2*M EX91

Dam: SGCH Kastdemur's Viva Las Vegas 4*M EX92 *ELITE*
     DS: SGCH +*B J&R Spirit’s Dakota Playboy EX90
     DD: SGCH Kastdemur's Mandalay Bay 3*M EX90

ADGA Genetics Link

DOB: March 4, 2019


G6S Normal
DNA Typed & Parent Verified

Alpha S-1 Casein: B/E​


2021: Reserve Champion Weld County Goat Extravaganza

2021: Reserve Champion Idaho Syringa Dairy Goat Show

2021: Reserve Champion UDGA Show

2021: 1st Place JR Get of Sire Utah State Fair

2022: 1st Place JR Get of Sire - Eastern Idaho State Fair 

2023: 1st Place JR Get of Sire - Uintah County Fair

2023: 1st Place JR Get of Sire - Utah State Fair

2023: 1st Place SR Get of Sire - Utah State Fair

Reno is such a handsome dude and I was so excited to hear I was getting him. His dam is SGCH Kastdemur’s Viva Las Vegas 4*M EX92 EEEE, and his sire is Wingwood Farm CM Atticus. Absolutely amazing genetics!!

Viva Las Vegas is a incredible doe, appraising at EX92 EEEE two years in a row!! She’s beautifully balanced, smooth, and correct. Her beautiful mammary system is full and wide in the rear, gorgeously blended in the fore, with a strong medial and nicely shaped and placed teats. I sure love a beautiful mammary system!! She placed 6th in the 2014 ADGA National show, and then 6th again in 2016 in a huge competitive class! She has a beautiful daughter, SG Blissberry Viva La Vida 5*M EX90 VEEE that Blissberry retained who is just as beautiful as her pretty mama. Smooth, correct, balanced with a beautiful mammary system. She was the 2017 ADGA Show 2nd place junior yearling, as well as 1x junior champion in 2017.

His sire is Wingwood farm CM Atticus, who is a pretty new herd sire, but is throwing beautiful kids with powerful genetics to back him. His sire, *B My-Enchanted-Acres LM Candyman EX90 was get of sire for both Junior and Senior sire this year, and has some incredibly stunning daughters. His dam, SG Wingwood Farm Lovin Abraxis 2*M EX90 is beautifully balanced with a lovely shaped mammary system. Reno's full sister, Blissberry Viva La Sueno, was the 3rd place at the 2019 ADGA nationals!

The Reno kids we are seeing are absolutely breath taking... Long, level, stylish, and very smoothly blended. Their correct general appearance could only be made better by one thing.... snugly attached, correct mammary systems! Those are EXACTLY what we have seen on his freshened daughters in outside herds. We are on the edge of our seats waiting for our first Reno daughters to freshen in our herd. It will be worth the wait! Reno's three daughters, I Love You 3,000, P.S. I Love You and Riptide brought him home the title of JR Get of Sire at our state fair. At the same show, two Reno daughters owned by another herd went Reserve Champions in their rings! Reno will be used heavily this year in an effort to get more of these gorgeous kids on the ground. We are hoping for girls! We brought Reno's Littermate sister, Blissberry AC Vegas Visions 5*M into the herd this year and we love everything about her. We are so thrilled to have these littermates working for us in our herd!

Reno's 2022 daughters have been nothing but lovely. We are so thrilled with how they are maturing and proud of the incredible job they are doing in the show ring! MDNT RN PS I Love You, MDNT RN Riptide, MDNT RN Rattle the Stars, MDNT RN Step into the Light and MDNT RN Heaven Help Me all earned their dry legs early in the show season as well as MDNT RN Through Fire and Flame being close behind going 2X Reserve Champion. P.S. I Love you, Riptide and Through Fire and Flame also handily won 1st place JR Get of Sire at the Eastern Idaho Sate Fair (The only fair we attended in 2022). 

We saw our first fresh daughters in the Spring of 2023 and all we can say is WOW! These mammary systems were well worth the wait. We freshened 3 daughters and each mammary system is held high up into the escutcheon being incredibly wide and well attached. The fore udders on these doe are long and smoothly blended. It's one thing to look pretty but another to be pretty and productive. Each doe is milking a steady 5-6 lbs.. which for first freshening yearlings we will 100% take! We are ecstatic with these fresh daughters and can hardly wait to see 4 - 6 more fresh in 2024. It is always a plus when you see your genetics working well in other herds... In 2019 we studded Reno out to Legacy Hill to breed some does which resulted in a number of nice doe kids. Reno unfortunately gave us 100% bucks that first year, but we are so pleased that one of those daughters finished her championship as a 3 year old in the spring of this year! CH (pend.) Legacy Hill RN Primm 4*M VG85 (FF yearling) won her last leg in ring 3 at the Cache Valley show in Utah, after our very own paternal sister to Reno, GCH Blissberry AC Wishful Thinking 6*M VG87 (FF) picked up her final two champion legs in the first two rings! At the very same show, yearling daughter MDNT RN Heaven Help Me went Grand Champion and 1x Best JR Doe in Show!


MDNT RN P.S. I Love You
MDNT RN Step into the Light
MDNT RN Through Fire & Flame

MDNT RN Rattle the Stars

MDNT RN Pina Colada

MDNT RN Into the Night



SG Wingwood Farm Lovin Abraxis 2*M EX91, Sires Dam 

Wish 3yo 2F.jpg

GCH Blissberry Viva La Sueno 5*M EX90, littermate sister

Wish 2F.jpg

 GCH Blissberry AC Wishful Thinking 6*M VG87 (FF)
- Paternal  Sister 3 yo 2F

Kaida Yearling FF.jpg

 MDNT RN Step into the Light
- FF yearling Daughter

Peachy yearling FF.jpg

 MDNT RN Through Fire and Flame
- FF yearling Daughter


Midnight Milkers Nubians

Syracuse, UT 84075

Phone: (801) 682-5871


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© 2018 - 2025 Midnight Milkers and Kaitlyn and Kaylee Barson. All rights reserved. No material from this site may be used without permission.

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